Our statement on the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down student debt cancellation
Conservative justices on the Supreme Court of the United States have ruled against President Joe Biden’s plan to cancel student debt for millions of borrowers. This was not a decision made in the best interest of student borrowers. We are infuriated that SCOTUS did...Our statement on the Supreme Court’s decision to end affirmative action
The Supreme Court has ruled that colleges cannot take race into consideration when deciding which students will be offered admission. While a decision to not allow race-based admissions may sound fair on the surface, remember: affirmative action is about equity. When...
We Can’t Deny the Truth that Student Debt is Racist
by Malini Saxena Student debt is racist. Yes, I said it. Quite a bold assumption to say the least, but let us explore. As a current student at San Francisco State University, I see the impact of high tuition costs subjected to students. Students like me struggle with...