We are a vibrant electoral alliance
based in San Francisco.

We are SF Rising and we are here to
make lasting change.

Vote with us to build political power with working-class communities of color.

We are a vibrant electoral alliance based in San Francisco.

We are SF Rising and we are here to make lasting change.

Vote with us to build political power with working-class communities of color.

SF Rising November 2024 Voter Guide

Check out our local and state ballot measure endorsements for the November 5th, 2024, Presidential Election! Now available to download in English, Chinese, Spanish, and Tagalog below. Download our 2024 English Voter Guide Salta a la Guía del Votante en Español Lumipat...

The state of criminal justice reform: an interview with Angela Chavez

SF Rising volunteer, Ethan Lee, and Communications and Volunteer Manager, Sana Sethi, sat down with Angela Chavez from Courage California to talk about the state of criminal justice reform in the current moment and the impacts on the larger movement.  Ethan: Can you...

Our statement on the Solidarity with Palestine student encampments

SF Rising is in full solidarity with students who are calling on their universities to take a stand against the genocide happening to Palestinian people.  Throughout history, students have been at the forefront of social justice and anti-war movements and today is no...

There’s no stopping youth voting power

By Malini Saxena Voting is not what I thought it would be. But maybe it can be.  As the election season approaches, I reminisce on my younger self. An optimistic and dynamic kid, ready to grow up and be taken seriously, I loved all the cool, big kid things, and I knew...

San Francisco just passed a ceasefire resolution

We applaud the decision by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to pass a resolution demanding a permanent ceasefire in the ongoing genocide in Palestine. We know that this vote carries a lot of weight with it and will be felt not only by other cities throughout our...

Our 2023 Impact Report

We're so excited for you to look through our 2023 Impact Report! You can also download a PDF version here.

Current Campaigns

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Getting out the vote in 2024

Getting out the vote in 2024

This year is a huge opportunity for change for working-class communities and communities of color. There are ballot measures and races at the local, state, and federal level and we want to make sure that our communities are registered and equipped with the knowledge they need to feel prepared to vote this year. We're teaming up with our statewide partners at Power California and California Calls to reach thousands of San Francisco voters. Join us as we engage with voters for the November 5th Presidential Election! Can you spend some time this weekend signing up below to volunteer with us in:

  1. Registering voters (virtual and in person options)
  2. Talking to voters about voting YES on Prop 5 and NO on Prop 36 (virtual and in person options):
    1. In person doorknocking (weekends)
    2. Virtual phonebanking (week nights)

Training college students to be effective organizers

Training college students to be effective organizers

SF Rising has been organizing college students on the three college campuses in San Francisco: USF, CCSF, and SFSU, to train them in being effective organizers on their campuses. We engage students through voter registration, campus events, and through our Student Rising Fellowship. We envision a future where everyone who wants to, can go to the higher education institution of their choosing without financial barriers standing in the way. If you're interested in joining our student organizing work, sign up to be a volunteer today!


Holding the District Attorney accountable to criminal justice reform

Holding the District Attorney accountable to criminal justice reform

SF Rising teamed up with the ACLU of Northern California to co-convene the SF District Attorney Accountability Alliance. We want to make sure that whoever holds the office of district attorney in our city is committed to upholding justice and public safety for all of our communities. The alliance brings together community, civil rights, legal, labor and other organizations committed to hold whoever becomes the next San Francisco District Attorney accountable. Our priorities include:

  • Holding police accountable when they break the law
  • Maintaining and advancing criminal justice reforms that reduce incarceration and racial bias
  • Upholding public safety and law enforcement priorities that focus on rehabilitation and treatment, victims’ services, and long-neglected priorities such as protecting workers’ rights

San Franciscans deserve a DA who will work to eliminate the inequities in our criminal legal system and keep all of us safe. If you're interested in joining our work to hold DA Brooke Jenkins accountable, sign up to be a volunteer today!

Our Affiliates

Who answers to you in City Hall?

About Us

San Francisco Rising builds the political power of working-class communities and communities of color in San Francisco to lead the way for democratic governance that prioritizes racial, economic, and environmental justice.

We are an alliance of grassroots organizations led by people of color, and a political home for San Franciscans who care about justice and sustainability. We build power through deepening multiracial solidarity, educating and mobilizing voters, working closely with policymakers, organizing, and developing leaders of color.

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