Our statement on the Solidarity with Palestine student encampments

May 1, 2024 | Blog, Updates

SF Rising is in full solidarity with students who are calling on their universities to take a stand against the genocide happening to Palestinian people. 

Throughout history, students have been at the forefront of social justice and anti-war movements and today is no different. Sadly, the similarities between student protests then and now don’t end there. Just like during the Vietnam War protests of the 1970s or the South African Apartheid protests of the 1990s, students who are putting up encampments on their college campuses are facing horrific police violence, enabled by university leaders, for simply making what should be a non-controversial statement: genocide is indefensible and the universities we pay tens of thousands of dollars in tuition to should not be financially backing apartheid. 

At a time when students across the U.S. are struggling to pay for tuition, housing, and books, universities should instead be directing these funds towards alleviating these costs for students. Ironically, these funds are being used to support companies that enable the bombing of schools and universities, cutting students off from learning and growing, the very things that these universities claim to promote.

Students are also facing violence from Zionists, in what are being called “counter-protests.” But these student actions cannot turn into a debate about the existence of Palestine vs. Israel. These actions are calling for these mega-wealthy and powerful universities to divest their funds from the destruction of human life that has been taking place in Palestine for decades. 

As the threats of Zionist and police attacks grow on these peaceful student protestors, we must show support not just in our words but through actions. Here in San Francisco, SF State and USF students are courageously protesting through Solidarity with Palestine encampments. Show up to an encampment to stand in stand with students, bring needed supplies, donate to bail funds, and keep on organizing until we see a #FreePalestine. 

Check out these links to find out what supplies and meals are needed:

USF Supplies: bit.ly/USFCAsupplies  

USF Meals: signup.com/go/APJUtVM

SFSU Supplies: tinyurl.com/SFSUCampDonations

SFSU Meals: bit.ly/SFSUCampMeals


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