San Francisco Rising Endorsements for November 2014

Oct 29, 2014 | Endorsements

In 2014, San Francisco Rising Alliance prioritized making San Francisco a more affordable place for our communities to live. We are immigrants, people of color, families, workers, tenants, and youth and we deserve to stay in our city. On November 4th, we hope you will join us in voting for these ballot measures that are one step towards a more equitable city where all families can thrive!


Yes on Prop G
Anti-Speculation Tax

Prop G will push back on one of the strongest driving forces of gentrification and displacement in San Francisco, speculation.  It will stop serial evictors by requiring investors who “flip” (quick purchase & re-sale for huge profits) multi-unit properties in less than 5 years to pay higher taxes on the re-sale.  That’s why Prop G was the policy chosen by the hundreds of renters and tenants rights activists who participated in the first City-Wide Tenant Convention, this past February. Vote yes on Prop G.

Yes on Prop J
Raise the Minimum Wage

If passed, Prop J will raise the minimum wage in San Francisco to $15/hour.  This is part of a national fight and points toward the call for a real living wage for all workers. San Francisco has the fastest growing wealth divide and the highest housing costs in the country.  The current minimum wage of $10.74 leaves working families unable to cover basic living expenses. Support workers and vote YES on Prop J.

Yes on 47
Reduced Penalties for Some Crimes Initiative

Proposition 47 is a step towards addressing the unjust mass incarceration of poor communities and people of color. This proposition reduces penalties from felonies to misdemeanors for those who have not committed violent or serious crimes. As a result, it will reduce the state’s prison population allowing California to direct hundreds of millions in prison savings per year to K-12 education, victim services, and mental health and drug treatment programs. It will also reduce barriers to employment and housing for formerly incarcerated individuals charged of petty crimes. Vote yes to Prop 47.

Help get out the vote and win Prop G & Prop 47!  

Join our voter outreach mobilizations and bring a friend!

Saturday, October 25th

  • WHAT: Volunteer Voter Outreach Walk (door-to-door voter contact to identify supporters for Prop G & Prop 47)
  • WHERE: Filipino Community Center, 4681 Mission St., San Francisco

Saturday, November 1st

  • WHAT: Volunteer Get Out the Vote Walk (door-to-door voter contact to ensure supporters for Prop G & Prop 47 get to the polls!)
  • WHERE: Filipino Community Center, 4681 Mission St., San Francisco

San Francisco

Prop A, Transportation and Road Improvement (Bond)
Position: YES

Prop A will finance the repair of city streets and the improvement of transportation infrastructure. The measure creates a Citizens’ Oversight Committee and focuses on providing more accessible, safe, and reliable transit. Voting for Prop A is a vote for communities that depend on public transportation.

Prop C, “Children and Families First” City Funds Tax and Administration Proposal
Position: YES

Prop C renews and expands funding for public school programs and youth services through the renewal of 2 existing funds, the “Children’s Fund” and the “Public Education Enrichment Fund.” These resources support services including: childcare, after school programs, youth jobs, school based services, and support for families and transitional age youth.

Prop E, Sugary Drink Tax
Position: YES

Modeled after the tobacco tax, Prop E aims to reduce the impact of the soda industry on diabetes & other significatn health problems in our communities.  It would add 2 pennies per ounce to the cost of sugary beverages (like soda and energy drinks), and the estimated $54million will fund active recreation and nutrition programs.

Prop K, Additional Affordable Housing Policy
Position: YES

Prop K is the result of a hard won compromise between community organizations and the Mayor.  As a policy declaration, it affirms the City’s commitment to address the housing affordability crisis by creating a Housing Action and Neighborhood Stabilization Plan. The plan includes: affordable housing production (with 1/3rd for low and moderate income), expanding the housing acquisition program, and tracking the ratio of affordable to market rate housing.


Prop 2 – Rainy Day Budget Stabilization Fund Act
Position: NO

Prop 2 will force the legislature and governor to save state money in order to decrease state debt. We need to prioritize resourcing underfunded state programs for services our people need – not “saving for a rainy day” when people need services now. Vote no on Prop 2.

Don’t forget Election Day is November 4th! Be sure to get to your polling place between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM on November 4th (or mail in your Absentee ballots now!).

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